This section has been set up as an archive for essays about naval historical and technical matters from various authors.
If you have an article that you would like to submit for consideration, then please send an Email by clicking on the Contact link above or below to discuss your submission. Submissions should be in Microsoft Word format or equivalent. All submissions become the property of NavWeaps, but will not be published in other forms or locations without the author's permission.
Report on the Battle of Dogger Bank by the Austro-Hungarian Naval Attaché in Berlin, Fregattenkapitän Colloredo-Mannsfeld 

Mihály Krámli, 11 December 2024
A Brief History of the Battle of Skagerrack, May 31-June 1, 1916 

Mihály Krámli and László Kiss, 12 March 2024
The Report on the Battle of Jutland by the Austro-Hungarian Naval Attaché in Berlin, Fregattenkapitän Colloredo-Mannsfeld 

Mihály Krámli, 28 February 2024
Guns at Dahlgren
Evan Dwyer, 08 January 2024
- USN Ship Designations, Guy Derdall and Tony DiGiulian
- Problems with the Mini-Submarine at Pearl Harbor Theory, Joseph Czarnecki and Tony DiGiulian
- Kamikaze Damage to US and British Carriers, Tony DiGiulian
- Were Armored Flight Decks on British Carriers Worthwhile?, Stuart Slade and Richard Worth
- Analysis of the Battle of Dong Hoi, Stuart Slade
- The Battle of Dong Hoi: Alternative Views, Larry Rouse and William W. Berry
- Destruction of the Bismarck, Stuart Slade
- The Crack in Missouri's Barbette III, R. A. Landgraff
- Do Battleships move sideways when they fire?, R. A. Landgraff and Greg Locock
- Naming of Warships in the Imperial Japanese Navy, William Lise
- Naval Warship Museums: Problems and Potentials, Robert St. Jacques
- German Radar in World War II, Erwin F. Sieche
- USS Iowa World War II Anti-Aircraft Engagements, Dave Way
- Speed Thrills I: Fastest Battleships?, Tony DiGiulian
- Speed Thrills II: Max Speed of the Iowa Class Battleships, Tony DiGiulian
- Speed Thrills III: Max speed of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, Stuart Slade
- Speed Thrills IV, Bob Clarke
- Speed Thrills V, A. Stephen Toby
- The Working Environment for German Warship Design in World War I and World War II, Peter Lienau
- The Working Environment for German Submarine Design in World War II, Peter Lienau
- Longest Gunfire Hit on an Enemy Warship, Tony DiGiulian
- The Effectiveness of Japanese Torpedo Strategy, Joseph Czarnecki
- Performance of US Battleships at Surigao Strait, Joseph Czarnecki
- "N-squared Law", Joseph Czarnecki
- "What did the USN know about Yamato and when?", Joseph Czarnecki
- A Survey of US Ships Transferred to Britain in Exchange for Western Hemisphere Basing Rights, Joseph Czarnecki with Tony DiGiulian
- The Philadelphia Experiment, Tony DiGiulian and Stuart Slade
- Naval Limitation Treaties of the 1920s and 1930s, Tony DiGiulian
- British Frigate Types, Tony DiGiulian
- British Destroyer Losses of World War II, Tony DiGiulian
- Naval Camouflage, Paul Killins
- What if the Japanese had not Attacked Pearl Harbor?, Michael Snyder
- The Limits of Japanese Strength and Strategic Alternatives in December, 1941, Brad Smith III
- Battlecruiser Chronology: North Sea Operations in World War One, David Clark
- Kort Nozzles and Ducted Propellers, Stuart Slade
- Understanding Block Coefficients, Stuart Slade
- Skeg Design, Stuart Slade
- Ship's Covers, Stuart Slade
- Towing Tank Tests, Stuart Slade
- Metacentric Height, Stuart Slade
- Shake, Rattle and Roll (Vibration in ships), Stuart Slade
- Understanding the Prismatic Coefficient, Stuart Slade
- Big Propellers, Stuart Slade
- Designing a Ship, Stuart Slade
- Designing a Propeller, Stuart Slade
- Shafting a Ship, Stuart Slade
- Effects of Water Depth on Speed Trials, Stuart Slade
- The Japanese Ise and Hyuga Hybrid Battleship-Carriers, Stuart Slade
- British vs. French Shipbuilding, Stuart Slade and Peter Lienau
- German Power Plants in World War II, Peter Lienau
- Stagger Step Welding, R. A. Landgraff
- Full Speed Ahead and Crash Stops on Iowa Battleships, R. A. Landgraff
- How do you "weigh" a ship?, Al Wellman and Caspar Vermeulen
- Why one thick deck is better than two thin ones, Daniel (Cen) Mercer
- A Design Criteria for the Optimization of Naval Transverse Bulkheads, Ian Raymond
- Nuclear vs. Conventional Marine Power Plants, Al Minyard
- Steam Plants, Michael Snyder
- "All or Nothing" Protection, Joseph Czarnecki
- The Concept of the Immunity Zone, Joseph Czarnecki
- Turboelectric Drive in American Capital Ships, Joseph Czarnecki
- A Survey of the American Standard Type Battleship, Joseph Czarnecki
- Torpedo Defense Systems, Joseph Czarnecki
- Fuel Consumption and Efficiencies in Primemovers of 1920, Greg Locock
- Size of British and US destroyers of the 1930s-40s, Tony DiGiulian
- Do Turrets really fall out if a Battleship capsizes?, Tony DiGiulian
- Definitions and Information about Naval Guns, Tony DiGiulian
- Air Defense, Stuart Slade/Larry/Andy Pico
- Mine Warfare, Stuart Slade
- Radar Frequency Band Designations, Stuart Slade
- Radars, Nathan Okun
- The Effects of Underwater Explosions, Nathan Okun
- Underwater Projectile Hits, Nathan Okun
- How Shell Fuzes Work, Nathan Okun
- US Armor Plate Types and German Naval Projectiles, Nathan Okun
- Defeating Face-Hardened Armor, Nathan Okun
- Fire Control and Fire Control on the Prinz Eugen, Nathan Okun
- Ballistic Tests on the IJN Shinano's Turret Face Armor, Nathan Okun
- The Armor Thickness Necessary to Decap an APC Projectile, Nathan Okun
- Decapping Revisited, Nathan Okun
- Projectile AP Caps, Nathan Okun
- Notes on Modern Armor, Nathan Okun
- Kirishima's hit on South Dakota, Nathan Okun
- Projectile Designs of the French and Italian Navies, Nathan Okun
- Propellant in World War I and World War II, Wee Dave and Nathan Okun
- Projectile Dynamics, Bill Jurens
- Shell Aerodynamics 101, Matt Ossip
- How to Hide a Task Force, Andy Pico
- The Mark 51 FCS, Gene Slover
- Selsyn and Synchro Devices, Gene Slover
- The Mark 1 Fire Control Computer, Gene Slover
- Roll, Pitch and Yaw - Fire Control Problems and Mark 1/1A Solutions, Gene Slover
- Why Magazines are Refrigerated, Al Wellman
- The U.S. Merchant Marine Civilian Warships of World War II and their Armament, James V. Shannon
- Post-World War II Acoustic ASW Torpedo Development, James V. Shannon
- Crosley's Secret War Effort - The Proximity Fuze, Ed Jennings
- Proximity Fuze - What does "VT" Mean?, Tony DiGiulian
- The British High Altitude Control System (HACS), Tony DiGiulian
- HACS: A Debacle or Just-in-Time?, Peter Marland
- USN Anti-Aircraft Fire Control Comparison, G. R. Pomerat and J. M. Dobbie
- From Fellside to Flyplane: How a very junior officer changed the whole course of RN Anti-Aircraft fire control despite strong Admiralty opposition, Commander Roger Porteous RN
- Calculating crh, Tony DiGiulian
- Pounders!, Tony DiGiulian
- Fire Control Systems in World War II, Tony DiGiulian
- US Naval Gun Production During World War I, Tony DiGiulian
- US Naval Gun Mount Production During World War II, Tony DiGiulian
- Muzzle Flash, Tony DiGiulian
- Naval Propellants - A Brief Overview, Tony DiGiulian
- R2D2 with Attitude: The Story of the Phalanx Close-In Weapons System (CIWS), Robert H. Stoner
- A Bridge Too Far: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in Navy Service during the Cold War, Robert H. Stoner
- Lessons Not Learned: Cruise Missile Attacks on USS STARK (FFG-31) and INS HANIT (FFL-503), Robert H. Stoner
- The British 16"/45 Mark I Gun and Mounting, Terry Duncan
- German Turret Designations, Peter Lienau
- German Optical Rangefinders, Peter Lienau
- Ready Ammunition on SMS Hindenburg, Peter Lienau
- Overview of USN and IJN Warship Ballistic Computer Design, Bradley Fischer
- Sympathetic Detonation of 16"/50 HC Projectiles, Michael M. Swisdak, Jr. and Francis B. Porzel
- The Garzke and Dulin Empirical Formula for Armor Penetration, John Priestle
- USN Large Caliber Gun Construction, James Poynor
- The Myth of the Unusable Gun Turret: Legend or Reality?, Mihály Krámli
- The British 14in Quadruple Mark III Turret, Matthew Warwick